Organisation has registered 1003 Artisans of various craft under Ministry of Textile - Office of development Commission ( Handicrafts). |
Organisation has worked on Women and child health. Under this organisation has registered 7000 women in portal, where they received regular voice call on ANC and PNC matters. |
More than 3500 Beneficiaries trained under various skill development and various training programs.. |
560 women Literate and got certificate after 35 Days Laptop based literacy program. |
70 women started their own Enterprise after training and empowerment program. |
70 CBOs formed.. |
Secretary of Organisation Mrs. Hemal Kamat is elected as Governing Board Member of VANI ( Voluntary Action Network Initiatives) New Delhi. Apex body of 500 VOs of India. |
Got FCRA Registration Certificate from Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi. |
The success and the achievements of CONCEPT SANSTHAN in the year 2009 -10 are not merely the various activities that it has undertaken in the last year but also the over all attitudinal changes it has brought among its beneficiaries and the community. The interventions of CONCEPT have aimed at Sustainable Development. The scale of networking and linkages by CONCEPT has developed from district level to state level and national level. In the year to come CONCEPT plans to enter into strategic partnership with international bodies for the greater welfare of the people. |
The construction of Hanuman dam situated at Palnagar was inaugurated on July 4, 2009. This dam will help to irrigate around 300 Bigha of land in the adjoining areas. This is a major achievement as the people will have access to better irrigation facilities and this will also help in getting more agricultural yields. |
A total number of around 48 SHGs have been formed and around 43 have been linked with the banks and the remaining SHGs are in process of getting linked. These SHGs have become an institution for socio economic empowerment of the women for the region. |
A series of Health Camps including checkups, awareness building, provision of free medicines, first aid etc have been conducted in last one year. A major camp was organized in collaboration with Ranbaxy. Similarly there have been several awareness camps in which the people of the targeted area were also explained about various indigenous medicines etc as a cost effective cure to simple ailments like cold, cough etc. |
The farmers have been given training to adopt organic farming techniques to increase their productivity, the process of selecting the right quality of seeds to boast productivity and the various measures to increase the agricultural productivity. Association with Krishi Vigyan Kendras has been playing a very instrumental role in the area of capacity building of the farmers for their greater productivity. |
Apart from traditional means and modes of communication of information like IEC material etc. The CEO of CONCEPT Smt. Hemal Kamat has been participating and sending the delegates from the organisation to participate in various civil societies meet and to express the solidarity of CONCEPT towards the common goal of attaining the welfare of the people. |
Several other forms of CBOs like the Youth Groups have been formed and skill building of the youth has been undertaken to groom them and shape them so that they get some form of employment and the youth energy is transformed towards creativity. |
The women beneficiaries have seen a tremendous change in the socio-economic status after undergoing our livelihood up gradation programme. The income level of these women have increased they have received a new support, recognition and respect both in the family as well as in the society. |
The dominance and exploitation of the money lenders have come to an end because of the intervention of the saving, credit and thrift activities of the SHGs. |
The interventions of CONCEPT SANSTHAN have led to formation of an egalitarian society and has reduced gender based differences, inequality and atrocities towards the women. The men folk of the area of intervention have recognized the need and importance of gender based equality to evolve a happy family and life. |
All these interventions have led to formation of an empowered woman who in turn is involved in empowering the society. |
The villagers have become united and the institutions of local governance have been strengthened leading to an integrated development. |
This year has marked tremendous success in the area of development of linkages, network and collaboration with various district, state, national and international bodies. It is expected that this will help for further development of the poor people. |
CONCEPT SANSTHAN has been successful in accomplishing its Vision and Mission in a time bound manner. |
Today more than 500 women have been associated with CONCEPT in their march towards empowerment and sustainable development. |
Several Bighas of land has become irrigated by construction of the Hanuman Dam at Palnagar as illustrated in detail in the present report. |
Health Status of more than 750 women and children has improved through the various health based interventions carried out by CONCEPT during this period. |